Can you describe the admissions selection criteria for Valar?

The Valar Institute of the Quantic School of Business Technology is committed to an admissions process that builds an academically qualified student body that is diverse and has passion and excitement for learning. As we evaluate applications, we admit students to our programs who excel within the context of our highly competitive applicant pool. We are proud of the students who we enroll, and we understand that we can’t admit every strong applicant who applies.

Quantic and Valar were founded on the promise of leveraging pedagogical and technological innovation with the power of professional networks to deliver best-in-class learning experiences and career outcomes for students. For this reason, admission is a key component in fostering a healthy academic community and valuable alumni network. 

Quality of Previously Attended Institutions

  • Applicants must have earned at least a U.S. bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or an equivalent non-U.S. bachelor's degree as determined by a NACES-approved evaluation service from an accredited international equivalent.
  • When evaluating the academic preparedness of applicants, Valar considers other markers of rigor. For example, it considers the academic rankings and admittance rate of the institutions a student has previously attended as well as the student’s professional experience.

Completion of Non-Degree Academic Programs

  • Applicants are asked to list any non-degree programs that they have completed, such as online certificates or in-person classes that could further demonstrate their passion and interest for topics in business, technology, and other career-oriented fields, as well as their general appetite for education and self-improvement.

Standardized Test Scores

  • Students may opt to list the scores they received on standardized tests like the GRE and GMAT. These test scores are not required and are used in the application process only if they enhance an application.

Essays / Writing Samples

  • Applicants are asked to provide short essay responses to several questions.
  • Writing and communicating with classmates is an important part of the Executive MBA in Strategic Leadership program. Additionally, Valar reviews this section of the application, apart from writing skills, to learn more about the passion, intellect, and drive of each applicant. If a writing sample shows exceptional writing skill or weakness, the Institute may give weight to it.

Experience and Habit of Leadership

  • Valar appreciates leadership on any scale. Individuals may demonstrate leadership in many contexts such as their college extracurricular activities, community commitments, academic or business achievements, or personal, non-career-related accomplishments. For example, they may demonstrate it by managing college or city clubs, leading work teams, creating businesses, or spearheading projects at work. The Institute looks for such evidence of an applicant’s leadership potential.

Interview with Admissions Counselor

  • Valar offers interviews to some applicants during the admissions process to get to know them beyond courses, numbers, and awards. During these interviews, they learn more about the program requirements and expectations, while helping us understand their motivations and goals.

Acceptance to a Prior Cohort

  • When a student is unable to start or continue enrollment after accepting admission to a program, Valar’s deferral policy allows the student to defer two times to a subsequent cohort before it asks the student to reapply.
  • If circumstances beyond an applicant's control prevented enrollment after being admitted into the program, or if a student was unable to complete the program after two deferrals, re-application will be considered in the applicant's favor.

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