How do I achieve Honors?
Valar MBA and Executive MBA students can earn the Honors distinction upon graduation.
Honors Qualifications
Students who graduate on time with a final score in the top 10% of their cohort will receive Honors. Students' transcripts will read "WITH HONORS" next to the degree conferred for those who earn the distinction.
Apart from the Honors distinction, as Valar operates on a pass/fail basis, there are no class or personal ranks to provide. Please note that all grades are percentage-based, and not issued as letter grades or GPA.
In order to be eligible for Honors, students must submit all outstanding projects and presentations (except the Capstone presentation) no later than the final day of the scheduled curriculum (the Capstone due date). Students who submit projects and presentations after this date will be ineligible to receive honors. No exceptions to this policy will be considered.
Students who graduate behind schedule are not eligible to receive this distinction. Additionally, students who commit a major Code of Conduct violation are not eligible for the honors distinction.
Students who either commit a major violation of our Plagiarism Policy or violate the policy more than once (whether a major or minor infraction) will be ineligible to receive Honors. We define a major violation as significant direct copying of sources or other violation necessitating the completion of an alternative case study.
Students who are ineligible to receive honors maintain ineligibility even if deferring to a future cohort.